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Complaints Procedure

Your opinions are important to us, and we want to hear them. We want to be told when we have done a good job as well as when you are not satisfied. With your help, we can improve our service. We will respond to suggestions positively and promptly wherever we can. 


All concerns/complaints will be investigated thoroughly, in an unbiased way, and as soon as possible. The concern/complainant will be treated with respect and courtesy. If you, your family/whānau, an organisation, a member of the public, or subcontractor of P&C has a concern/complaint concerning the conduct of P&C and/or their subcontractors, the following steps should be followed:


  1. P&C encourages the complainant to speak or write to the person/s concerned to resolve the issue.You can do this by contacting, Parker & Chin Psychology, Level 5 of Westpac Building, 106 George Street, Dunedin 9016, or phone 022 384 7175.

  2. If Step 1 is not viable, contact P&C, with the support from an advocacy service if necessary, and request a meeting with who you would like to make a complaint about. Any of the parties may bring a support person to the meeting.

  3. The complaint will be recorded by P&C’s Clinical Management Team on a Complaints Register. If the complaint can be successfully resolved between the parties, no further action or escalation is required, and written acknowledgement will be provided to the complainant.


If the informal complaints process does not result in a satisfactory resolution, then the following steps will be followed:

  1. The Clinical Management Team will assess your complaint with the following considerations – content, urgency, risks, and type of resolution sought – and proceed with a formal review of the matter.

  2. Written acknowledgement will be sent to you within seven days, and a written resolution will be sent to you within four weeks.

  3. P&C will set up a meeting with the relevant parties and prepare appropriately for this meeting. During this meeting, a resolution plan will be discussed and formed if required. The details of the meeting and agreed plan of action will then be prepared in a formal report of the review and the complaints receipt form updated.

  4. Once the review is complete, you will be advised of the outcome of the complaint, reasons for the decisions, remedies that will be offered/undertaken, and further relevant information.

  5. If you feel dissatisfied with the outcome of your complaint/investigation, you may choose to contact other people, such as the provider’s professional body (e.g., NZPsS, ANZASW, NZCCP, NZAC) their registration body (e.g., NZPsB, NZSWRB), the funder of the service (e.g., ACC), the Health and Disability Commission, a local Member of Parliament, the Minister of Oranga Tamariki, the Ombudsman, or the Privacy Commissioner.

  6. The affected parties will also be offered a chance to discuss the process further or to seek advocacy/further supervision if so required.

  7. We will ensure the has been completed and recorded on the as this register will be used to identify service delivery issues, improve the service, and in reporting to third-party funders.


For any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Level 5 of the Westpac Building 

106 George Street

Dunedin 9016

©2019-2024 by Parker & Chin Psychology.

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