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Our People: Text
Our People: About Me


BSc (Hons), MSc (Distinction in Psychology), PGDipCIPs

Kelly is a Registered Clinical Psychologist based in Wellington but working with clients from all around New Zealand via Telehealth. She originally hails from Hamilton and the Far North but is now living in the Capital with her partner, baby daughter and cheeky tabby cat. Kelly is passionate about using a parts-approach to help clients lift the constraints which are preventing them from living in alignment with their values.

As a clinician, she seeks to work alongside clients as they curiously explore their inner system, whilst prioritising their agency and Self knowledge. This approach is informed by internal family systems therapy but she also draws on the Neurobiology of trauma, polyvagal theory and a smattering of ACT and CBT.

If you would like to know more about Kelly, you can check out her website at here.

Our People: About Me
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