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Our People: Text
Our People: About Me


Bachelor of Counselling

Kia ora my name is Zeke Glover, I am a counsellor based in Dunedin 

My work includes providing treatment for ACC-sensitive claims and working alongside people of all walks of life to achieve their therapeutic goals. 


I have has gained experience working with youth and their families, adults, and the rainbow community. I feel very privileged to be a part of these communities and their journeys to wellbeing. 

My skill set is across a range of therapies including CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) ACT (Acceptance Commitment Therapy) TCBT (Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) and mindfulness-based therapies.


Outside of work, my interests include art, live music cooking, and spending time with the people closest to me. 

I am currently available to take referrals through the ACC-sensitive claims process. 

Zeke is registered with ACC and also welcomes ACC referrals.

Our People: About Me
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